
Decibel Exclusive: Abyss (Refuse / Resist)

There’s a few fairly new names to the scene you’d be witnessing at Stigmata’s BIG gig this May: Refuse / Resist and one of them is a band we’ve had

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Sinhala Rap: Get To Know The History

Who be the granddaddy?  There’s actually not one but two members of the home music scene who are responsible for the genre (among a few others) that is now considered

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Decibel Exclusive: Coat Of Arms

Coat Of Arms These guys need no formal introduction if you were lucky enough to catch them live at Maelstrom 2015. Coat of Arms is a metalcore/djent/industrial metal band hailing

Decibel Exclusive: Georgie Alice Has New Music Comin Up

When this dropped a few days ago.. We were left intrigued and had to catch up with this brilliant half Lankan/British singer, songwriter & composer before she hopped on a flight.

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The Decibel Producer Pick: iClown

Sasith Gamage This 20 something is known for a few things in the electronica & sometimes metal scene in Sri Lanka – predominantly though for his producer skills as iClown.

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Artist Alerta: Satthia

Our first international artist pick happens to be Satthia: a fresher who we believe is a rising star in his own right. Based in Singapore, this 20 something independent artist

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Featured Band – Abyss

This is one band that have been noted for their incredible brand of metal & showmanship and even won over an entire audience with their stellar set at Chain’s EP Launch

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Rapper Young Abby Starts Producing

And it’s not what you think he’d be likely cooking up in his home studio! A few days ago he made this announcement….. Knowing us, we wanted to get in

Get To Know Mirantha Jayathilaka

Rewind a few years ago to when you would have heard his debut original “A World Of My Own” on TNL’s Criminal Records Most Wanted & The YES Home Grown

Jonathan George On “An Imperfection” Movie Score & More

An Imperfection : directed by Rasanga Weerasinghe We speak to Jonathan George (Streetlight Mist) for an insider’s scoop on the movie’s soundtrack and a tad more…read on! DecibelLK: This is