Forsaken Announces Their Debut Album
Looks like 2013 is turning out to be a good year for metal afterall in the island! The announcement of them starting to work on their debut album IS B.I.G.…Delaine, ya gotta keep us posted
Happy Birthday To Shafeek Of Killfeed
We don’t know how old he’s gonna be but we sure have a feeling that we’d be seeing this noteworthy talent around for a long time in the Rock/Metal scene.
Dropwizz Remix Contest Announcement
Its open to anyone around the world and we feel that the outcome of this would be interesting! Give it a shot! Download Stems: – The winner will have their music
Channel Media Studio’s Presents The Karaoke Championships (Season 01)
Here’s a competition we recommended going for as hey, who wouldn’t want half a million in prize money? The opportunity to have your single produced by the most sought after hit makers in Sri
Asiri – Lost (New Release)
When I met Asiri about a year ago in Kandy, he did mention working on original material and even though this release has taken a while, it’s finally out and is one
Rapper DeLon Wants To Hear From You!
This rapper is honestly a hard man to get a hold of cuz of his super busy schedule but he’s making time for his fans, finally!…he confirmed this on an FB status
Dropwizz Ranked Number 1 In Mississauga, CA
Congratz to ya!
Huzni’s Got More New Music
You might remember this conscious rappers first solo track “Home” which made its rounds on the inter-webs after it caught the attention of the underground music circuit back in March this year. He’s