Eshantha Perera Covers Imagine Dragons
and you would have guessed the song too by now, yes it’s “radioactive”..while its not his best cover, it’s still worth a play or a share, see how you like
Podcast Alert – Nisho&Zilwa’s Deep Discretion
in case you just cant get enough of deep house n all that, here’s a pretty sick podcast that you need to check out..we know this came out a week
K-Mac Ft Iraj & Jay
this is all we have to say…
Dj Diru Stays Strong At Number 1 On The YES Home Grown Top 15
for 4 straight weeks with his hit “Wannama”! word is that he is currently working on a track called “Traditional Bells” which might see a release date soon and did
Happy Birthday To 5 Very Awesome People From the Home Music Scene
Have the best one ever ya’ll…from L2R Dinelli Phillips (first female growler in Sl / LOA) Chandhu (Whirlwind, Taunt & The Taps) Milan Jayawickrema (Necro Horde) Buddhi De Mel (Wagon
The First Taste Of Bailatronic Is Here
and we are LOVIN IT! while a few might need a lil time to get used to..we’re really feeling that this could be the start of something new…amazing stuff Ranidu!
Vy – The Second Lankan Artist To Be Featured On Reverbnation
first it was Sheyana and now its the very cool project by Vidhu Jayawardena (Ex Breathspace), reverbnation..we’re glad you’re finally featuring music from our awesome nation! recommended listening: miles away
Daffy Maestro’s Latest Got A YES Home Grown Top 15 Debut
as new music of course, let’s see if you can make it happen for the pioneer of chill/ambient music from Kandy!
Dj Shiyam Speaks Out For The Best
we sincerely hope event organizers will take this into consideration but most importantly DJ’s supporting Shiyam for wanting to bring in some standard into the scene. we applaud you
Ranidu-The Father Of Bailatronic
This IS Big News! a new genre for home to be proud about and man it’s almost official that he owns the title of being the father of this newness