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Happy Cake Day To October 11th Names

Happy cake, beer or more cake day day to Gloria Hewapatha aka Glo (singer), Nirodha Jayasingha (Mad Architect/Stigmata), Kavindu Ariyarathne aka Kobra (producer) & Virjan Marcellin (bassist/ Ancient Curse) from us

The Noise Project : Episode 6

This group has to be one of the most underrated collective of artists we’ve come across; Incorporating everything from industrial machinery to various noises from things for on their Mashups, we

New Music : Far Away – NICKELBACK (Cover) Izzy Wildchild ft Britney

Izzy (Hollow, LOA etc) is back with vocalist Britney of TNL Onstage fame with a pretty heartfelt take of Nickelback’s classic ‘Far Away’.