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New Music : Sankranthika ( සංක්‍රාන්තික ) | Official Music Video | Durga Gunarathna

Here’s another weekend release and this time around its by fresherr Durga Gunarathna. Her music video features Ram Dulip and revolves around a coming out and acceptance of a trans

New Music : Anu Madhubhashinie x Lahiru Sandeep – Waiting For My Dawn

Released on Monday comes this all new track by the prolific Anu Madhubashinie who has Lahiru Sandeep on the single. Laid back and packed with some deep emotion, ‘Waiting For

New Music : Hesara Bandara – Akkata Dan 39

Hesara Bandara of The Voice fame is back with this all new original. Titled ‘Akkata Dan 39’, this is a high powered single with some pretty interesting moments and sure