Decibel Exclusive : Sumit Sarkar

Decibel Exclusive : Sumit Sarkar

As the days near to Moving Out (Hikkaduwa) which is an exhibition featuring some stellar sonic art, land art, print art & video installations by artists who are part of the Sura Medura International Artistry Program, we at decibel would like to intro you to the names who are part of this years special one off date in Hikkaduwa. 

Ladies & Gentlemen, meet Sumit Sarkar who is a visual artist based in Manchester, currently in Hikka for the big day. 

DecibelLk: About You

DecibelLk: What Would You Be Doing At Moving Out? 

DecibelLk: What’s Your Creative Process Like?

DecibelLK: Where Can Peeps Look Your Work Up?

DecibelLk: Anything Else You’d Be Doing?

DecibelLK : How Tough Is It To Be A Sculptor In A Digi Age?

DecibelLk: Got Anything To Tell Viewers?

Want to know more about the event? Click here

photo credit: Art Battle Manchester

Note: This interview is powered by the Yamaha Music Center / smartLav+ (Rode Mics) : making your interviews sound professional by quality & specific audio capture which a regular smartphone cannot capture 100% properly due to external noise.

smartLav+ : Now availabe at the store, click here for info 


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