Why Is Silent Chaos Serpentine A Big Deal Of An Album?

Why Is Silent Chaos Serpentine A Big Deal Of An Album?

In the 2000’s there were no such things as terrible albums produced from Lanka (we’re talking the contemporary music scene here), It was either a work of art or something that would remain as a stamp of sonic creativity and a definition of music from that time (genre-wise) and Stigmata’s ‘Silent Chaos Serpentine’ falls into both categories.


Why is this album that big a deal? Before anything else, watch this trailer (thank you Rock.lk for the memories)

  1. Stigmata in the 2000’s were a bunch of dudes straight outta school, who dropped ‘Hollow Dreams’ and singles off the album particularly ‘Andura‘ & ‘Voices‘ were at one time, heavy airplay staples on TNL Radio and most of the singles were concert favorites & were responsible for inspiring bands you see on stage now. With such a record out, it was pure pressure for the band to put out an equally if not a bigger follow up – Did that happen? =) Why else would you be reading this?

Ladies & Gentlemen – Silent Chaos Serpentine! (aka a undisputed benchmark)

silent chaos serpentine

2. Who the bloody hell would even  dare dream up of an amalgamation of genres like ‘Jazz Theory’? (Thrash elementsFlamenco Guitar Riffs, their own guitar adaption of ‘Uda Pala Gaththath Wattakka’.. thrown in with their own unique sound for good measure).

But that is not all from the album We Can Proudly Coin As A Brilliant Work Of Sonic Artistry! 

3. From what we know ‘Lucid‘ was the first ever metal single in the country that has its own acoustic take with tablas incorporated. Again, another TNL radio staple.

Did you know that their acoustic show at Clancy’s in the mid 2000’s was sold out? They had one and only one of those in their 15 years of being a band.

4.  Silent Chaos Serpentine was one of the few albums to receive international reviews..here’s a few for them quick reads.

Metal Archives

The Metal Forge

Here’s more proof

5. ‘Silent Chaos Serpentine‘ – Its an album of anthems – no matter when or where it’s played, it will have a killer reception from generations of fans (we’re not kidding about the generations bit. Ado! have you not been to a stigs gig yet?)

Other notable mentions – this album came at a time when Lanka was getting recognized for its metal (thank you, internet), Rock Company, The SAARC Music Festivals, Maldives opening its doors for metal gigs and even MTV having a slot for the boys – Click here for the interview

27th is when 10 years of ‘Silent Chaos Serpentine’ gets its 10 year anniversary gig and we hope you can make it cuz it’s an entire decade of history that is worth celebrating!

Event Details



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