The Top 5 Rockstars With The Longest

The Top 5 Rockstars With The Longest

Ha, don’t you see what we did there :P..either way you and your dirty mind are in for a bit of an interesting read.

Now in the early and mid 2000’s there were quite a few metal heads in the scene who used to sport some darn good hair that even women used to envy, fast forward to now it really ain’t the case..even the great Sohan Rathnaike had to shave of his troll hair for probably reasons his workplace would know but there are a few men who still are bold to own good, strong, non “sun-silked” hair and here’s our top 5..

  1. Mirshad Buckman


photo credits: Yohan Siriwardena

This 30 something rock star has always had hair, a lil on shoulder shorter, no longer. Wavy n wild and almost never apologetic for its unruly ways..hey, hair straighter only slides off his hair during a shower and nothing else.

  1. Javeen Soysa Of Tantrum

javeen 2photo credit: FB Fan Page

He never had the longest of hair but the last few years has seen him own some pretty nasty dreadlocks that could be used as a weapon..forget fists man, this guy could kill with that hair..I Mean JUST LOOK AT THEM! Good Job Javeen!

  1. The Dhas Brothers

dhasphoto credits: Kasun & Keshan’s Photography 2013 / Nethindra

They’ve always had long hair and we doubt they’ll get rid of it, though we do know it gets chopped in the stingiest way possible *don’t judge..the dudes gotta maintain. Their secret..ask them, probably doesn’t have anything to do with oil

  1. Suresh Of Stigmata

sureshphoto credit: Hiba Sharafuddin

This brother unlike his other brothers in the band is yet to give up on his locks proper..probably the best on a man too! We love it when he headbangs..and hey don’t be fooled by the “heavy looks”it owns, its actually a lot softer and flexible than a lotta people imagine.



  1. Asela Perera of Paranoid Earthling


No one has seen this guy with short hair with the exception of his school, does this guy ever age?

We have one more..from the rap scene ..

Imaad Majeed


photo credits: Jovan De Mello Photography

We’ve heard women want to claw each others eyes out for the secret to his well maintained hair. We think its cuz he doesn’t use shampoo…apple juice and vinegar maybe?


Note that this is an ode to men in the scene with long hair, its meanth to be a fun read and not to be taken seriously, if you taking this seriously than the cautionary notice on the ciggy packs then bloody hell!..grow some hair n make music… you might be featured in the next article 😛

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