Tag "sonu kakkar"

Congratz To Akram

On his second single hitting the top spot in a year. Only a few artists have ever had that like Sheeam Deen & Shiran-ta ( we’re quite sure there must

Smokani Is At Number 1 For 3 Straight Weeks!

Looks like SL does love its share of underground music and that has always been evident with dance music as opposed to something like this. Congratz to you Smokani on

Congratz To Smokani On A 2nd Week

At Number 1 on the YES Home Grown Top 15 =) This underground rapper officially is the name that’s gotten the most airplay on the station

Congratz To Smokani On His First Number 1

on The YES Home Grown Top 15 with his single “Prometheus” (52 bars). This single was a pretty unlikely choice for a number 1 but what can we say except

The Debut Of “U N Me” On YES Home Grown Top 15

In case you missed out on the premiere on the show last Thursday

Iraj’s Next Release Is South East Asia’s Biggest

And we’re glad it has to be one of us that’s gonna be making the record for not only having the biggest but also the most expensive album to date

Iraj’s Collaba With Sean Kingston Gets A Video

Word is that it will see a release in a few weeks (march) and since it will be out first on his YouTube channel, subscribe and be the first few

Iraj Releases The First Bunch Of Artwork For That Collaba

the one with Sean Kingston that’s apparently going to be out in Feb with a video, we have no idea what it’s gonna sound like but we are curious! in