Tag "news"
“The Cypher ’13” By The Drill Team
this video by 9 Rappers (Born Lord, D Minor, Minol, Ashan, ChrishViX, SkAty, Kalu Malli, DogLoco & Raptor Ex. Halaaaaa) was posted earlier today by Iraj and has gotten quite a
K-Mac’s “Colombo” Hits A Record For A Sinhala Rap Video
Let’s face it Sinhala rap isn’t really the one of the popular genres from the island but one things for sure, it’s building a following and that is one of
Elysium – Etho Enakkul Is Out
this is what it is, the first tamil dubstep done by a home group..while its not the usual, angry, in your face sorta dubstep it does make a worthwhile listen.
Thriloka Announces A Gig
and we like how clever this is and while they haven’t posted anything too straightforward except a teaser on their fan page a few hours ago..this video is a giveaway…we
Happy Cake Day Ruvin
hope you have the most awsomest one ever you actor, musician & shutterbug De Silva! photo credits: send us your name and we’ll post it here
More Dubstep & Post Punk From Home
so there were two interesting posts by two very different groups: one from the first live dubstep/post punk band DuckDog & secondly by a few members of the Tamil music
Trinaty Covers Ellie Goulding
she is known for her soulful takes and this time around she covers “Burn” and girlfriend OWNS it! Word is that there will be a video for this and excited
Happy Cake Day To Lunitunez & Dilshan
Lunitunez aka Śubodha (rapper) & Dilshan (GoatmunitioN), have the best year ahead! photo credits: let us know if you’ve clicked any of these and we’ll have your name here
Dropwizz Releases Another Fresher: A Total Wowzer!
we’re not making this up but this track again tops it as one of his best releases for 2013 alone! The drops, the builds..oh that sonic goodness is worth getting,
KABOOM!™ Sessions Podcast #12 Now Out
this is a pretty good mix for any day of the week, thanks for the goodness in podcasts Electro Mechanic!