Tag "news"

Happy Cake Day To Ruvin De Silva

hope you have the most awesomest one ever you actor, musician, director & shutterbug De Silva! from us here at Decibel.lk photo credits: Deshan Tennekoon

Shermaine Willis On The YES Home Grown Top 15

After the release of her debut video / single, we think that its about time that the YES Home Grown Top 15 had her on a feature and we’re glad

Christmas At The Square: The Concert Series (4th December)

And from what we know there will be quite a few dates in the YES101 calendar as they step out to the Echelon Square (in front of WTC) this season.

Andrew De Silva Announces New Single

and according to him, it all drops sometime next week! And then there’s that micro sneak peek

Jesse Gamage – Let It Go (James Bay Cover)

You might remember this 20 something from his performance at the 4th Meloversary special, in case you were not there..here’s another chance for you to check out this brilliant singer/

RapZilla Launches T Shirts For His Female Fans

Cuz the ladies demanded and we think this is a really cool design! Want it? Get in touch with the fella himself by clicking here

Markia Gets Signed Onto A Label!

And we think its about time that this awesom rapper & producer got that deal! Our best for his new beginnings!

Janani – I’m Not The Only One (cover)

Breathing new life into this single, is Janani and we think this is one of those brilliant takes!

Azim Ousman: Club Eke

Now this collaba with AJ Leon & Lil Shane sounds like something that Azim is not known for – creating club tracks. This should be interesting though when it drops.

Local : The Band Has An Album In The Works And They Want You To Help Fund It

Sinhala Alternative aint an easy genre for mainstream radio to recognize but the power of the internet, we believe is greater than any corporate and that’s why we are asking