Tag "news"

Ryan Henderlin – It’s A Man’s World

In case you missed out on the grand finale of YES Superstar – Season 3, you would have missed out on this guy being winning the title and performing this

Senani – Chalee

It’s no public secret that Senani was going to do a Hindi version of her YES Home Grown Number 1 “Free” and it’s finally out but you don’t get to

Street Light Mist – The Scars Within

Streetlight Mist have been known for a few things during the last 3 odd years they’ve been around – from 2 BIG chart singles “Everytime I Close My Eyes” &


Posted on Iraj’s Youtube a few hours ago, this single makes a fun listen and somewhat feels very much in the lines of the original #Selfie by the ChainSmokers minus

For Kiks 0 Comments

Drill Team Launches Wristband, Makes Fans Flood Their Inbox

It’s no secret that this group has their own share of die hard loyals, so what do they do? Want it? Flood their inbox 😛

The Rock Meets Reggae Concert Announcement

Man, what an announcement to wake up to! We are guessing this just might be held at the former venue too the second time around (unless some place new opens..highly

Its Week Number 2 On Top The YES Home Grown Top 15

For Australia based Julian Simonsz as he continues to hold fort at number 1 with the second single off his self titled debut Ep. “Get Home To You” also happens

‎STONAPATHI‬ ft ‪‎ImaadMajeed‬ ‪-‬ ‪#‎BrightBlueBuzz‬

We’ve always liked this combo as they are a two man recipe for really really good singles. Think of it this way – awesome producer/ sinhala music sampler guy meets

Meloversary #4 Soon

Almost 4 years ago, a few artists who were nothing short of passionate about music kicked off what would be known as one hell of a long lasting gig series

Art Of The Saints

And the album launch of the year just got a lot more awesomer as Stigmata invites fans and friends who have captured them live, designed posters, created something special or