Tag "March"
Gappiya’s #SelfieRap
We think this is gold! Selfie Rap – Gappiya Style#SelfieRapSubscribe to Gappiya for more!If you are in Sri Lanka SMS “Gappiya” to 2468 to join SMS fan club.tweet @Gappiya
Vote For DeLon!
We’re STOKED for him! and sincerely hope that you would help him bag this award..”Head High”a YES Home Grown Top 15 single got into the finals of the International Song
Gappiya: The Fairy Tale
We’ve seen a ton of Gappiya’s videos but this one takes the cake for being very creative and funny! We’d like to take this oppertunity to wish Lilly & Gappiya
Sanjeewa & Niranjan – Love Me Like You Do (cover)
Now this is a pretty interesting cover of that Ellie Goulding instasmash that premiered on The YES Home Grown Top 15 last night..such a monster track for 2 dudes to
Randhir – Stay With Me & No Woman No Cry (Mashup)
clever.soulful and you gotta have a soul to appreciate this very emotional mashup
Happy Cake Day To March 26th Peeps
Have the best year in music Kanishka Peiris (S.E.X / KALM), Ranen Francis (guitarist), Hashan Ranasinghe (guitarist) & Nigel Aaron (guitarist) from team yazminyousuf.lk photo credits:Sanka Geethanjana and Lakkhika Rajeewa
DeLon: Thinking Out Loud (Cover)
We think this is one of those special covers..its not everyday that you get to see someone of DeLon’s caliber take on a track like this but we think its
Happy Cake Day To More Awesome March Names
Bestest name day greets to Suresh De Silva (frontman Stigmata), Duminda Nawarathnam (Melody Addicts.Photographer) & belated greets to Hassy (Producer.Gehan & Hassy) from us here at team yazminyousuf.lk photo
Ranidu Is On The Ultra Music Festival Bill Again
And for a 3rd time too! Now how many Lankan’s can boast about this feat! If you are a Lankan, we suggest that you do your best to catch his
Nadeeka Gurge Makes A Concert Announcement
We were gonna say “And Fans Go Ape Crazy”but you already knew that if you have seen the announcement on his FB Fan Page . Though there are no dates announced