New Music : Chande (ඡන්දේ) by Gypsies | Official Music Video

New Music : Chande (ඡන්දේ) by Gypsies | Official Music Video

Here’s an all new release by the very cool Gypsies, now fronted by Mr. Piyal Perera. According to the description on the video, ‘This song is a reflection of society, a mirror held up to the world. It does not intend to criticize or favor any specific political party. Its purpose is to shed light on the universal problem of corruption and to inspire each one of us to take a stand for integrity, honesty, and transparency in all spheres of life’.

Previous New Music : Loveena (ලොවීනා) - Chitral Somapala & Kanchana Anuradhi | Suresh Maliyadde with Gen. Kamal Gunaratne
Next New Music : Adiye | அடியே | @stefanpackianathan ft Krishan J

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