MashUp Alterta: DJ Loca’s “Safe & Sound”
we’re not too fond of this mashup as we think its a bit too fast for our liking but it just might be of your fancy, check it out here
*Free DL
Previous Throwback-Maarion Elsz: Hazy Blues
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Throwback-Maarion Elsz: Hazy Blues
we remember when this used to be played on TNL Radio back in the day on a show called The SL Hot 10 with Damien (when the station used to
New Music : Sahakampana (සහකම්පන ) – Yamuna Wimalasena
Released on the 13th of the month comes another single for the times we live in, this time around by singer Yamuna Wimalasena.
OJ Da Tamil Rapper – Demo Tape
This is some interesting stuff to come out from the city especially since there are not too many Tamil rappers.