Elsz – Poison

Elsz – Poison

If there are artists out there who are on a mission this year – Elsz is a name but not one talking economic or political issues but one that a lot of people don’t chose to talk about.

This video & single is a statement for our time and in her own words is ‘ a familiar story to most Womyn, it is a story about love and violence, self sacrifice and shame, abuse and finding the strength to overcome.’

It’s the first single off her album  ‘Blue Scar’ and the album is dedicated to victims and survivors of gender based violence, all proceeds from the song sales will be donated to Women in Need, Sri Lanka,  a national frontline service provider working to eliminate domestic violence (winsl.net). ‘Poison’ was recorded in New York and filmed in France with documentary film-maker Joseph Paris, I am releasing the music video and song today on International Womyns Day . We ask for your solidarity, to share this with everyone you know today, and in the weeks following.
Here are a few idea’s about how you could share the video ;
  • Email the song and send it to your friends and family today and encourage them to share it with their networks
  • Share the video via your social media networks and ask people to hashtag  #breakthesilence #buildsolidarity #tellyourstory #IWD2016 ——- if you feel inclined to, you can make related hashtags like #stopviolenceagainstwomen #ELSZ #elszmusic #poisonmusicvideo
  • If you feel confident and ready to do so share your story in which ever medium you choose to do so, whether it be publicly or privately, through word, sound, movement or video.

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