Posts From Yazmin Yousuf

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iCLOWN Has His Own Cover Of “Get Lucky”

We like this simply cuz of 2 things.. 1. It’s a refreshing remix of a interesting cover! 2. He not ashamed of incorporating his own sound Your next i-Pod fave? you be the judge

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Happy Birthday To One Of The Best Drummers From SL – Eshantha Perera

We know you don”t drink but do celebrate with sparkly grape juice at least 😉 Eshantha Perera (RUIN)                        

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Vidhu Jayawardena Now Is Vy

Vidhu Jayawardena aka as the dude from Breathspace (defunct) has ventured out as a solo artist and we think its a pretty good move for him! We love his new

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Forsaken Announces Their Debut Album

Looks like 2013 is turning out to be a good year for metal afterall in the island! The announcement of them starting to work on their debut album IS B.I.G.…Delaine, ya gotta keep us posted

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Happy Birthday To Shafeek Of Killfeed

We don’t know how old he’s gonna be but we sure have a feeling that we’d be seeing this noteworthy talent around for a long time in the Rock/Metal scene.

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Dropwizz Remix Contest Announcement

Its open to anyone around the world and we feel that the outcome of this would be interesting! Give it a shot! Download Stems: – The winner will have their music

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Channel Media Studio’s Presents The Karaoke Championships (Season 01)

Here’s a competition we recommended going for as hey, who wouldn’t want half a million in prize money?  The opportunity to have your single produced by the most sought after hit makers in Sri

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Asiri – Lost (New Release)

When I met Asiri about a year ago in Kandy, he did mention working on original material and even though this release has taken a while, it’s finally out and is one

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Ceremonial Blood Cleansing 2013 In Association With The Sri Lankan Death Militia-2nd June

It’s not what the name literally suggests, rather a much awaited metal gig which features the Avante Garde, Black Metal project Zebulon Kosted along with some of the best B.M.

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Black Metamessage Legacy II – July 21st (Gampaha)

2011 was the year that saw the very first metal gig in Gampaha town and contrary to what a lot of people like to think, there IS a following for Black, Death