Aaryan Dinesh Kanagaratnam & Thyivya Kalaiselvan – Uyir Poo (teaser)

Aaryan Dinesh Kanagaratnam & Thyivya Kalaiselvan – Uyir Poo (teaser)

this teaser is really one heck of a teaser, it does leave much to the imagination as to what this single would sound like in its entiretly..till its full release



Perfomed by Aaryan Dinesh Kanagaratnam and Thyivya Kalaiselvan.

Music by Deyo
Written by Satheeskanth and ADK

Mixed and Mastered at kade production Australia

Teaser direction by Kanath Visual fx studio

ADK : http://www.facebook.com/AaryanADK
Thyivya :http://www.facebook.com/thyivya.kalai…
Deyo : http://www.facebook.com/deyomusic

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