Durty 44 Vs The Drill Team

Durty 44 Vs The Drill Team

we don’t get what this war is all about on social media but it sounds pretty intense since the start of it a few months ago…

Drill Team released this “diss” video on the 12 of May, apparently taking a hit on quite a few names from the Sinhala rap scene (any guesses)? We like the style of rap the Drill Team has and think they could be something else if they continued to touch on burning social issues rather than something like this but hey, they might have a few darn good reasons.

and here’s Izzy’s (Durty 44) reply to it and perhaps to a few more interesting status from a few rappers in the recent past. We wouldn’t be surprised if a few more names started a whole new wave of diss videos in the near future.

This rapper vs that rapper, the “mainstream” vs the “underground”….go figure


Fact: Ai Yaluwe is the title of a track released a few years back by Durty 44



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