World In Union | The Old Joes’ Choir (Virtual Choir while in Self Isolation & Social Distancing)
Featuring 105 members of The Old Joes’ Choir from Colombo & around the globe, is this pretty neat take of ‘World In Union’.
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New Music : WAYO (Live) Sithin Ma Nosali සිතින් මා නොසැලී (Cover)
Taken from a gig that happened in August last year at the Nelum Pokuna, is this awesome take of TM Jayarathna’s classic ‘Sithin Ma Nosali’.
Happy Cake Day Dj Mash
aka Mash Navaratne, hope you have the best year in music!-team photo credits: we don’t know the photographer responsible for this click but would love to credit you
Salakuna Ft Prageeth Perera – Manike
Light, sinhala reggae with a tinge of pop and it aint half bad too. The video though makes for a fun watch!