Tag "news"

Asiri Fernando Announces Debut Album Release Date

We think this has been a little more than 2 years in the making and as revealed on an exclusive interview on the YES Home Grown Top 15 last week,

Harry Pereira: How To Really Piss Me Off!!!

What we like about this vlogger is that he is opinionated and does share quite a few interesting things and this episode is just pure gold in a way 😉

Arjun Dhas: Kaleidoscopic Fantasy – teaser (extended)

Now this gives you more of a sonic insight into a pretty promising album by guitarist Arjun Dhas, that is to be out on the 5th of March. No word

Dilan Jayakody: Make You Feel My Love (cover)

There’s a certain sorta soul that Dilan Jayaody possesses and with each cover he does, its evident that every wedding should get a hold of him for that ONE track.This

Taraka Leaves Tantrum

While we wouldn’t say its no surprise since the skinsman took up drumming duties in Stigmata (one of the most scheduel demanding bands) we think this might be a fresh

Rubber Band – Stay With Me

This is their second effort out and the first video too for the duo that is John Rajitha & Gayan. We think there’s quite a bit of heart that even Sam

Azim Ousman ft. Vincent Labing-Isa & Young A.B.B.Y – Will U B My Valentine?

Released on Valentine Day, this single of Azim’s features Vincent Labing from the Philliphines and rapper young a.b.b.y of Lankan decent (currently residing in the U.A.E)  

Hemaka Wijeratne – YAKA’s Love

We think this is a pretty different sorta track which got released on Valentine’s Day and think it is the start of something new for producer Hemaka. We love the

Deyo Feat. Prolific Jason, Markia & Janani – Never Lose

You’ve heard it on radio and prolly would have heard teasers to its inertial release but here’s the single in its entirety. If you dig don’t forget to share this