Tag "news"

Antoinette Wheelan On The YES Home Grown Top 15

Everyone knows this singer who started getting into the scene when she took part in the Karaoke Championship sometime in 2012 or 2013 and ever since then she’s had a pretty

Naadro: Sounds of Beer

A few weeks ago, there was one mighty big event (Lion Awards) that had performances by Natasha Rathnayaka, Sir Chitral Somapala and by the looks of a ton of others

Congratz To Nisho & Antoinette On Their 2nd Time At Number 1!

The last time they were at that BIG Daddy Position was before Dropwizz stayed for 5 straight weeks…they are back and from what we hear Antoinette is gonna be on

Nishantha Ft. Kaizer Kaiz & Neo – Yana Thaleta

Released before the end of April, this video finds Nishantha, Kaizer Kaiz & Lil Neo on very familiar sonic territory..while there is a fresh aspect to it we cant help

DeLon Needs You To Help Pick Names For His Upcoming Albums

you read right – albums. read this! Want to give suggestions? click here 

Happy Cake Day May 2nd Names

Happy cake day to Ash Algama (actor/singer/ex Cadenced) & Steffen Blaze (media personality/ vocalist/ ex Helter Skelter.Land Of No Return.) – have the best year ahead from team yazminyousuf.lk photo

The Movement On Sindu TV

We think this brand new show by what can be described as Sri Lanka’s MTV is great! Not only is it full of insights but pretty good get to know

Chinthy Ft Trakout: Pamawela

His second video release this year is OFF The Hook! It’s light, It’s a summer perfect track n its got a brilliant catchy element to it which means you might

The YES Home Grown Top 15 Tonight

There’s quite a bit that will be going down on Sri Lanka’s Biggest Home Music Countdown on YES101…for starters, there’s a few awesome exclusives breaking tonight and plus from what

Talal A Jabeer – L.No.V.E (Original)

We’ve seen this former frontman of Riviera do some pretty bad ass tunes but this single produced by Izzy Wildchild right unexpected. It’s light, perfect for summer and definitely a