Tag "news"

Lindsay Jurie – I Saw The Light

And the wait is finally over! If you love simple, acoustic Christian music that borders on “worship” music then this is your fix by this 20 something singer/songwriter from home

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Constellation – The Blight On Gaia (iClown’s Drumstep Remix)

Who knew that them meeting each other at Sindu Tv was going to create an epic collaboration one day? Intense, intricate and probably the first Drumstep remix of a progressive

iClown’s Remix Of “Blight Of Gaia” Get’s A Release Date

And Sri Lanka, this we hope you are ready for this epic Drumstep remix!  

Stigmata Announces : Metalliance New Zealand 2015: The Paradox Tour

This is the first time that a band from home will be setting foot on Middle Earth and what better timing than this – The launch of their hotly anticipated

#AluthKadeHelpDesk #TheGeneralElection #ThinkB4UVote

Just in time for the election season, comes this brilliant single by a collective that call themselves “The Aluthkade Help Desk”…This is nothing short of brilliant intertwining of election-lingo from home’s “favorite”

Rapzilla – Duppathkama

After a period of releasing corny singles, this 20 something year old rapper is back with a track that find him in his comfort zone – everyday reality and this

Iraj Feat Asif Akbar – Shok Shomabesh (শোক সমাবেশ)

We love how Iraj is working on getting “out there”, not only has this multi talented producer from home gotten a huge star studded album in the works (Chingy, Mos

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Thilina Blyz – Tharuke

So the front-man of Skitzo SL has been known to turn out a solid solo track every now and then and come this Saturday, you get to enjoy “Tharuka” in

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Yaka – Rabana (itunes version)

You probably would have heard the single in its collaborative form a few months back and in a few weeks time, you will hear a different sounding version…check out the

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World, Meet The Youngest Stigmata Fan Ever!

Rock Fest, last Saturday had a plethora of fans but none quite like this little *saint – Ladies & Gentlemen, here’s the youngest Saint ever – Lucas Soysa!   *Stigmata