Tag "news"
The Local Spins Artists For Flood Relief – We’re On Our Way
We think this is one of those rare initiatives by a radio show personality / producer to get a whole heap of awesome names from home music scene to collaborate
Plecto Aliquem Capite – Grief
Titled ‘Grief’, P.A.C’s second single just dropped a few minutes ago and we think this is a sonic masterpiece in its own right! The band’s final EP ‘The End’ see’s 4 singles
Georgie Alice – Simple Ways
We love simple compositions and here’s one that dropped last night by pianist, singer, songwriter and composer Georgie Alice.
Decibel Exclusive: Cadence Of Your Tears (Official Video) & An Interview With Sanjeev Niles
Launched last night at an exclusive screening at Cafe Mocha (by barista) ‘Cadence Of Your Tears’ (freedom’s chains) now see’s its video form after its audio release over a year ago
Selectro To Play @ Tomorrowland – Belgium
It’s been the buzz since they DJ group dropped news and yes, this is legit news! do you see it on the Friday lineup section? But that’s not all, the
Sheyana : You Could’ve Told Me Jackson (Acoustic)
Part of a brand new series of acoustic music produced by Anil Balasuriya, this is the first single off ‘The Naked Soul Sessions’ and we think this is one of
Umaria Is Touring Canada With Wayo
And here’s all you need to know about the Api Kawruda Concert Series that’s going to be on in your home turf Canada. Click here for more info
Party In The Park : Here’s What You Missed
4th June is a day that will be remembered Sri Lanka! Why? Cuz it was the day that witnessed.. A proper international hip hop & rap event Great performances &
Alone In A Valley (Nimnayaka Hudakalawa) : Your First Proper Glimpse
Since the movie’s announcement & music soundtrack (by Jayasri) at Rock Meets Reggae this year, the buzz on this movie has been quite the thing and here Sri Lanka is your
Imasha Naomi & Chandeepa Jayakody – Like I’m Gonna Lose You (Cover)
Now here’s two freshers from the scene with their take of a radio classic we know all too well. Do check out some of their other takes too on their