Tag "january"

Sanjeewa De Silva – Hessy’s Song [Official Lyric Video]

Released last month, this is Sanjeewa De Silva’s debut English single and here’s it’s lyrics video which is all kindsa cute!

Decibel Exclusive : Moments From The Melomanic Sessions (Jan)

The first installment of the melomanic sessions was at the all new spot for gigs (Bernards Car Park) Cynosure is back and here’s their newest offering for 2017 ‘A Beautiful

Plecto Aliquem Capite – The End & More News

The 4th & final single from what is their last EP dropped last night but we think there might be more recordings especially after the news of a split Ep

Costa Has A New Video Coming Up!

The news of him working on a video for his single ‘Salli Beheth (Money Medicine)’ dropped yesterday and we think this is gonna be one of those really really productions.

Melomanic Session Bootleg (Jan)

In case you missed out the first melomanic session of the year, get your melo audio fix here

Javeen Soysa – Careless Whisper

A tribute to the late George Michael, here is frotnman of Tantrum with his take of that classic.

Decibel Exclusive : Moments From The Defiance (Nefertem’s Album Launch)

The first metal gig of the year was an album launch by Nefertem and it sure was nothing short of brilliant, here are moments from the evening. Resurrection, a fairly

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Decibel Exclusive : GarundA

It was only last week that this Alt band announced their return and they sure had killer mashup to go with the announcement. We had to catch up with them

Ranidu – Maduwithakin

And part 2 of ‘Ahankara Nagare’ is here! Titled ‘Maduwithakin’, here’s all you need to know about Ranidu’s latest. Download your copy already

IRAJ & Soulja Boy Ft. Markia – Hate That I Love U

After a few months of its online & radio premiere comes the official video for Iraj’s monster collaba with Soulja Boy & Markia and we think this is one of