Saphron: The Name.The Artist.The Music

Saphron: The Name.The Artist.The Music

There’s a certain sorta charm to her music and we have to admit, every since we stumbled across her music not too long ago..we’ve been itching to know about this 20 something singer & song writer.

Ladies & Gentlemen…meet Saphron =)

YY: Tell Us About You

Saphron: My name is Saphron, I’m a singer/songwriter of Sri-Lankan background currently residing in England, United Kingdom.

YY: Who influences your song writing & music overall?

Saphron: I think the biggest influences in my song writing have been Dolly Parton – she is an amazing story teller. Shakespeare – for his ability to use poetry and prose so well together and life in generally influences me. I tend to write about my experiences and try and relay that in a way that others can relate to.


YY: Do spill about your EP

Saphron: Changing Seasons is my debut EP. I guess I’ve always wanted to do music but never really had the courage. My parents wanted me to become a lawyer, so I went to law school, hated it and ended up dropping out. I’m of the school of thought that “I only get to live this life once” and I don’t want to live in misery! You have to find the thing that brings you to life, that gets you out of bed in the morning and excited and thankful for a new day. I guess music and film is what does that for me. It was at the end of the last year that I thought I would have a try at music and see what happens. I’ve always been passionate about it and knew I could write well but didn’t have the confidence in my own voice. My new year’s resolution was to say ‘NO’ to fear. So I just bit the bullet and recorded my first EP. It was quite literally a change in season for me, branching into uncharted territory. I’ve been absolutely blown away by how well received its been.

YY: Where Can Fans Purchase It From?

Saphron: My music is currently available on iTunes and Googleplay under Saphron – Changing Seasons EP.

YY: Don’t wanna pigeon hole you but could your sound be described as modern country / folk?

Saphron: I would definitely say that my sound is very modern folk/country style. It’s a little bit mixed if you like. It’s not quite county, not quite folk, not quite pop, I guess it kind of sits in the middle of those various circles.

YY: Is there any Lankan you’d like to collaborate with?

Saphron: I would love to collaborate with MIA, we actually grew up in the same circles are mum and parents were pretty close, but I’ve lost touch with her since she’s become a pop star! 🙁 but would love to do a collab with her!

YY: One Ep down, what’s next?

Saphron: Well I’ve just signed a publishing deal, so hopefully that means more of my music out there. I’m working on a 2nd EP to be released towards the end of the year, maybe Christmas time and I would love to do a tour, especially in Sri-Lanka! I haven’t been back since 2005 and I’ve heard its changed so much, so would love to maybe tour for a bit!

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