New Music : 2FORTY2 Feat. Devashrie | රන් තරු පායන (Ran Tharu Payana) | Original Song – Keerthi Pasquel |

New Music : 2FORTY2 Feat. Devashrie | රන් තරු පායන (Ran Tharu Payana) | Original Song – Keerthi Pasquel |

Another weekend release is this all new take of ‘Ran Tharu Payana’ by the band that’s been churning out interesting takes and awesome originals, 2Forty2. They feature Devashrie De Silva on this magical take of the classic by Keerthi Pasquel.

Previous New Music : Roshani - Matter Of Time
Next New Music : Sam-P, Zany Inzane - Numbe Asha (නුබේ ආශා) [Official Music Video]

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