Posts From Yazmin Yousuf
Pabalu Wijegoonawardane – Devathā
Now here’s a single no one saw coming but it’s truly one heck of a creative single of sorts. Done by Pabalu Wijegoonawardane, this single features Dinupa Kodagoda & Tharuka
Dissident – “Drop and Roll” (Official audio)
From the minute the song kicks off till the end, you’re bound to be reminded of two things – #1 when music used to sound as good & number 2,
Unscripted Has A Pretty Good Week On The YES Home Grown Top 15!
It’s been a pretty good week for the band that’s all about the funk, sax, good times and slick lyrics! They had the highest new entry on the YES Home
Silence Of Loud – Pain And Scream (Official Lyric Video)
And it’s finally here! The very cool lyric video to Silence Of Loud’s single ‘Pain And Scream’, that was released a week ago on reverbnation & bandcamp. Support the band
Drill Team Makes Sinhala Rap History On The 23rd Of May With Naara Sandeshaya.
The 23rd of May, 2020 will be known for two things :- #1 It will be known for the day The Drill Team’s album ‘Naraa Deshaya’ was dropped. #2 It
Diriya (දිරිය) – Pasan Liyanage ft Piyath, Tehani, Hirushi and ADA
Now here’s a single you don’t see everyday and it’s all for a very positive cause too! According to the post on producer Pasan Liyanage’s fb post -‘Diriya is a
The Jaded Wordsmith – After The Storm (COVID-19)
Released a few days ago is this all new single by a fresh rapper from the island. The Jaded Wordsith’s debut is an interesting single for the times!
Kelle Lyrics Video | Sanju Ramesh
Remember Dinesh Gamage’s single ‘Mannippaya’ that was released a few months ago? Here’s an interesting Sinhala version by fresher Sanju Ramesh.
DripReport – Skechers [Ambroz Bootleg]
Here’s such a fun bootleg of DropReport’s single Skechers and yes, this is up for free DL & also on Tik Tok.