
Noctua: The A-Team (cover)

So what happens when you start practice jammin for a gig sometimes? This and similar instances like this 😉 see how you dig this 4 piece jazz band’s random take

Happy Cake Day To October 12 & 13th Names

We missed out on wishing peeps from the home music scene yesterday cuz of a powercut but hey, like our grandma told us, its never too late so Happy Cake

For Kiks 0 Comments

Gappiya On The Sunday Leader

We think Ryan & Tia from The Sunday Leader are two impressive writers. They know their shit and they sure know how to get with the questions..this is one of

Elixir: Like Home – Elixir (Bash-Upâ„ĸ)

This is some goodness right here that’s in a way reminiscent of Electro Mechanic’s work from not too long ago, good job Gayan!  

Ravin Ratnam: Nothing Else Matters (cover)

So whats the big deal about this cover? Its a one man effort..from recording to producing and if thats not impressive, he’s the man behind putting the video together too!

Minol D – Living Room 17

Good Saturday Vibes is all we can say about this podcast! Living Room Vol XV11 On Global House Movement on 10/10/2014 by Minol-D -Global House Movement on Mixcloud

Happy Cake Day To October 11th Names

Happy cake, beer or more cake day day to Gloria Hewapatha aka Glo (singer), Nirodha Jayasingha (Mad Architect/Stigmata), Kavindu Ariyarathne aka Kobra (producer) & Virjan Marcellin (bassist/ Ancient Curse) from us

Channa De Silva – Dreaming Of You

After being released on radio sometime last year, this single by Channa De Silva is finally out for you to check out on reverbnation and we think this single is

BuDDhI – Dark Piano ( Original Mix )

While there’s a bit more work to put into this track, we think it sounds like something you’d hear on a movie score, hence its up here..check it out already.

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Classic Rock Night

If you love your share of good ol Classic Rock then this is your kinda event A message from Lasith Fernando (vocalist-Angel Down/ occasional mad hatter ) Hey guys, So,