Tag "news"

Happy Cake Day To May 3rd Names

Ramzy Jainoor aka RamZ (rapper/media personality), Asanka Sahabandu (singer/media personality) , Shehan Karunatilaka (Independent Square & Powercut Circus / Gratiaen Prize Winner – Chinaman) photo credits: Kasun Rathnayaka (Ramzy) support an

Melissa Stephen: Believe The Video

It’s out and it’s a pretty nice effort & owns a sorta underground feel if you know what we mean =) Check it out already    

Congratz To CC On A Second Week’s Stay At Numero Uno!

and aint it something for this 20 something singer & songwriter from CMB…havent chcked out the video yet? Here’s new music that broke on the show Countdown time

Happy Cake Day To 2 Awesome May Names

sounds like a brand “may names”, that aside happy cake day to Ash Algama (actor/singer/ex Cadenced) & Steffen Blaze (media personality/ vocalist/ ex Helter Skelter) – have the best year

Hopeless Poet: The Greatest Story Ever Told

this is a very different from all the other material they’ve released in the past and the first single featuring their newest member Ky on Piano and Strings. See how you

Spirited: Primordial Resonance (77min Psychedelic Symphony)

Congratz to home’s first Pysgressive band on their 4th release and this is one very specially crafted album “All Sounds, melodies & tones are crafted from the ancient 6-tone scale

Melissa Stephen’s Believe Gets A Video

It’s gonna be viral on the 2nd of May according to a tweet yesterday, check out the teaser till then

My Kind Of Groove On YES101

this new show ( Deep House & Deep Tech) by a relatively new name in the home music scene (A-Jay) see’s its debut this Saturday, 10pm on YES101..from what we gather

Happy Cake Day To More April People

Randhir Withana aka Randhir (singer/songwriter/performer), Naveen Marasinghe (Film man for mathawaada/Producer) & Chris Dhason (Drummer/Singer) to you good sirs, have the best year ever from team yazminyousuf.lk   photo credits: Kasun Rathnayaka (Randhir) we

Anuradha Jayathilaka: The Photograph

It seems like Anuradha has hit some strange happy music producing phase in his life and we like it! This is a very good effort for the rainy days and