Tag "news"

Dj Shiyam: Private Lounge 12

Did you know that this show has its own radio space every Sunday on YES101? read about it here…and in the meantime don’t forget to check out this pretty chilled

Durty 44 Vs The Drill Team

we don’t get what this war is all about on social media but it sounds pretty intense since the start of it a few months ago… Drill Team released this


this is such a good set, if you weren’t there to see this go down live..check it out right here already SPIRITED ALBUM LAUNCH 2014 LIVE DRUM N BASS SET

Sash On Criminal Records Most Wanted

You might remember her from her debut single “The Promise” which we had up a month ago or so and now get ready for her debut on radio! we’re psyched

Urban Sound Ft KK: Hunger (the single, now out) *updated

you’ve heard the teaser and now that the single has officially dropped, get it and be a part of the cause which is to “Bust Hunger” buy it on i-tunes

Happy Cake Day Shermaine Willis

She is one of the few female artists from home who’s a complete foodie and absolutely loves to cook in whenever she’s not performing or recording, happy cake day to

Happy Cake Day To Names That Be Chugging Pani Kaju

Pani Kaju ice cream is amazing when its half melted or being served with fruit after being chucked in a microwave for a few seconds, we be guessing the three

Avenger – Synth Reality (Choral Chillout Mix)

this is a pretty old track but a darn good one, see how you dig

Urban Sound Ft KK: Hunger

we love artists who set out for a good cause and this only a few of em, here’s what Gajan from Urban Sound had to say “The EP is called

Nathan Eardly: Love Will Set You Free

This is such an excellent debut single from the singer and songwriter who won the title of TNL Onstage (solo category) winner, see how you dig it