Tag "news"

Harry Pereira: Girls From My Past

While this is one of the longer vlogs, there are some pretty funny moments like him trying to avoid “that girl” and why does the UK have such ugly furniture?

Voice Print: Pidumai Mei

Looks like 150th year celebrations of Saint Benedict’s College ain’t gonna be not noticed, this single (by the looks and feels of it in bits) see’s the famous all male vocal

Richy Ft Kaizer Kaiz & Lil Neo – Another Cricket Song For The Season!

We come to realize something this Cricket Season, there ain’t too many singles out for support sake..and while thats not a bad thing, we think a few quality ones would

Bathiya N Santhush – Kavikariye

We think they are doing something new here, the video makes a fun watch but the audio we think is something to pay note to since these two are known

Harry Pereira: My Romantic London Date

This is pretty cool considering that he totally put his friend thru the first time wasabi test..a good watch for a good day derpin! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Aqkb-ciSik

Sanuka Has A Music Video

And we think its his debut solo video is gonna be something, no release date yet but until then here’s his cover of “All Of Me” from a while back.

Noctua: Heroes (Acoustic Cover)

This stripped down, dude cover of Heros sure is something, its simple yet pretty neat!

Anush Milroy – Don Marco & Eliaz – Summer Breeze (Remix)

We think this is a neat effort by fresher Anush Milroy, thoughts? https://soundcloud.com/anushmilroy/summerbreezeremix

Arjun Dhas: Kaleidoscopic Fantasy (teaser)

We think this clip is fantastic, the guitar work alone is very impressive…we are starting to think this album might be a darn good solo effort! Check out the teaser

BuDDhI – Silent Love ( to lovely hearts )

This is one of those simple, yet nice to listen to compositions..we suppose a little more sonic polishing would have helped but hey, Buddhi is an upcoming producer.