Tag "news"

Local To Play At Down Town Pulse

They’ve been super mum about their March line up but here’s the first announcement of many. About the band : Local Formed in July last year, this 4 piece churn

Happy Cake Day Aftab Aziz

Awesome name day to Aftab Aziz (guitarist.ex 10 Second Rule) from us here at decibel.lk photo credits: Anil Balasuriya

Legaz – Nataka (original mix)

Rapper & Producer Legaz just dropped his first release for this year and we are liking what we hear! We’re guessing that this is testament that he is slowly branching

Melissa Pereira ft. Kamal Perera – Blindsided

TNL’s BIG 15 album (from last year) is from what this single by Melissa Pereira (TNL Onstage : Solo Category Winner) is taken from and we think this makes a

An Open Letter To Derana

Dear Management of Derana, You know it’s a sad day in Sri Lankan media when one of your TV Channel’s personel decides to openly insult a respectable name from the opera scene for

Happy Cake Day Imaad & Shane

Here’s wishing two awesome names from the home music scene the best year ahead! Imaad Majeed (singer/songwriter/poet/rapper/Kacha Kacha) & Shane Saliheen (Programmes Manager YES101, Senior Producer & Host of Weekend Mixtapes) from

GLORY – Hada Pathule (Official Music Video)

This 5 piece group sure has come a long way from their start as a cover band at Qbaa to now this, a fully fledged group made for guilty pop

සින්දු රැප් වාදේ (SelfieRapBattle)

Sindu TV has been responsible for quite a few things in the home music scene since it started last year… Empowering & encouraging talent from all different genres (don’t believe

Its Week 3 For Dilan Jayakody On The YES Home Grown Top 15

His single ‘Jump’ which is taken off the At Last Project debut ep is officially the most played Home Grown single on YES101 and no wonder, its right on that

Happy Cake Day Stephanie

Here’s wishing Stephanie Siriwardhana  (Miss Sri Lanka/Host/ Singer / Talent Competition Judge) an awesome year ahead, from us here at team decibel.lk photo credits: If you are responsible for this