Tag "news"
Happy Cake Day To Jan 2nd & 3rd Names
Belated cake day greets to Chithru De Silva (singer / TNL Onstage & Derena Superstar fame) & more greets to the boys of the day – Harold Elanco (vocalist/Vocal Enigma)
Rochelle – Rockabye Baby (cover)
Rochelle has been around in the scene, in the past as one part of Storm (the all girl group managed by Azlan) and after a hiatus she’s back with this
Natasha Rathnayake – Gammada Theme Song
Last year saw NewsFirst kick start probably the largest relief programs to date in the island. Called ‘Gammada’, (by citizens for citizens) the program during their 100++ days of fund
Like Metal? Watch Out For Constellation’s Newest
During the holidays, they ditched more plans than we can count to work on their upcoming album, slated for a release either this year or sometime next. Here’s a few
kao$ – All Day
Released yesterday, here’s rapper kao$ from the trouble makers gang with yet another solo effort.
Shiraz Rude Boy Has A New Single Coming Up
And its a collaba with Prageeth Perera. No word on when ‘Chakithiya’ would be out but we’re guessing in the not to distant future.Check out the teaser already!
From The Jungles Of Sri Lanka To Punk Rock, To Glorious Din And Now Murder Dog Magazine, Meet The Name
Last year Lanka got intro-ed to someone they hadn’t known about before – Eric Cope, his Glorious Din Days and the fact that he came from the jungles of our island,
WiteCapper Announces New Music
There isn’t too many ladies in the Sinhala Rap Scene but in the recent past ‘WiteCapper’ aka Ridmi has been garnering attention for her videos (notable the Selfie Rap sorts).
Daddy – Aaley (ආලේ)
The first video of the year and its a solid production! We agree with what most have have been saying about the single/video, Daddy should release more material!
Happy Cake Day To Anuruddha Basnayake
Happy cake day to one of the best sound engineers from our island, from us here at team Decibel.lk