Tag "March"

Murandu Continues His Run At Number 1!

March 19th marked his second week at number 1 on Sri Lanka’s only home music countdown – The YES Home Grown Top 15. Not familiar with the song? Take a

Lily Silva & Jerome Silva : Hillsong United – Oceans (Spirit Lead Me) Cover

Here’s a pretty moving take of a Hillsong classic – Oceans by Lily & Jerome Silva.

Wacken Metal Battle Finals – The Indian Subcontinent

An official statement was released yesterday with regards to the selection process for the winner of the Wacken Metal Battle Finals for both the Indian leg & the Indian Subcontinent

The Fallen Kids Release Their First Album!

‘Rejected’ got released a few days ago and is a collection of their 7 singles. You can get it on Spotify, iTunes and Google Play .

Mika Ceylon Has New Music Coming In April!

Aussie based Lakan artist Mika Ceylon is gonna be dropping an all new single and if you want to, get pre-ordering the single now on Spotify . ‘Guys Like You’

Jesh – Ahathai Nanaithai | அகத்தை நனைத்தாய்

Jesh is a Colombo based vocalist who just released his debut Tamil single a few days ago. Titled ‘Ahathai Nanaithai’, this single is a must check out if you’re into

Gendagam | Centigradz – ගෙන්දගම් | බංකරේ Jamming 100% Live (Bunker Sessions) | Ep – 03

Released on the 15th of March, here’s the 3rd episode of an all new series started by the Centigradz. Titled ‘The Bunker Sessions’, this are their jam sessions recorded live

New Day (Nashville Remix)- Senani

It’s been a minute since Senani dropped a new single but here she is with this all new drop remixed titled ‘New Day’.

Mahesh Nish – Hirimal Wayasata ft Ashanthi de Alwis, Ravihans

Here’s an all new single by Mahesh Nish featuring Ravihans & Ashanthi De Alwis. The music production is done by Ravihans Watakepotha.

Gomari “ගෝමරි” – Dr BSKing ft Thilanka D & Mister D [Lyrics Video]

Now here’s another collaba that dropped during the weekend by 3 fairly new names from the Sinhala Rap scene – Dr BSKing, Thilanka D & Mister D.