The Chamber Music Society Of Colombo (J.S. Bach & James Joyce)
Date(s) - 19/03/2017
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka
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The Chamber Music Society of Colombo in association with the Goethe-Institut and sponsored by Fairway Holdings, presents –
Bach & Joyce
The Musical Offering and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Tickets now available at the Goethe Institute, priced at Rs. 1000. Unreserved seating. First come, first served.
Parsing through a landmark text, especially one of Joyce’s, is a task. It’s impossible to capture the essence of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man in just a couple of thousand words, so we will not try to do that. Instead, the intention is to isolate one of the many journeys the master takes the reader on through the text and to present it to our audience alongside the work of another immortal: Johann Sebastian Bach.
There will not be the same sense of inherent completeness, of wholeness, that the music will provide to the listener being that the compositions will not be abridged, but the inclusion of these specific passages to the evening are to add another dimension to the experience, one which we hope is cohesive and refreshing.
Lakshman Joseph de Saram and principal players of the Chamber Music Society of Colombo, along with performance artists Ohan Hominis and Michael Ketigian of NYC based Stageless Arts, will be the featured artists.