Meet & Greet La Bambas At Their CD Launch
Date(s) - 04/03/2018
5:15 pm - 6:30 pm
The Sooriya Village
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La Bambas come together for the final occasion at the Sooriya Village
on 4th March 2018 at the launch of their CD
With songs that influenced their music, songs that inspired CT, Neville, Noel, Rukmani Devi & many others
La Bambas founded in 1966, was the pioneer singing aggregation from Moratuwa to emerge during the group songs era. They were bonded together as one unbroken outfit,until the demise of leader Brian Fernando in 2013.
They bravely continued their music unplugged during a their entire career spanning nearly five decades.
In this album, as a memorial to Brian, the foursome of Priya, Rolinson, Lasla and Erinton have teamed up to sing a great compilation of Latin American, international and original hits to mark their Golden Jubilee. They also miss Malsiri,presently recovering from illness.
This is perhaps the largest collection of Latin American hits attempted by any group in Sri Lanka.