5 Reasons Why You Should Not Go To Rock Fest

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Go To Rock Fest

This concert series has been noted..almost too well by people in the Rock & Metal scene for all the chaos they’ve cause in a certain confined area in Colombo 7 (The Russian Cultural Center), which now looks like an old ladies hangout spot, thanks to the chaos pits caused throughout the last few years! It’s no wonder that Shafeek and the team at Strider 7 had to opt for a venue, bigger and less old people friendly…(old people you are welcome)

Here’s our 5 reasons why you should stay away!

5. They just confirmed Constellation on the line-up. Ammatasiri!


This Progressive Metal Band has become one of the more note worthy bands in the scene, after they clinched the “Best Band” title at TNL Onstage last year. Since then they’ve played a few gigs, have been responsible for a ton of limb ouchies and a duology that everyone on the planet has still not gotten. -_-

4. That line up is, so not good?


Ammagahai! Wicked Tamai!

Stigmata, KillFeed,Salvage, Tantrum, Circus Cult  & Constellation (yes this poster needs to be updated)

3. Its Stigmata’s 15th year in the scene!



New music.New surprises.Newer Newer New things

They have an album in the works, oblivious you plus as a part of their 15th anniversary motto: They will see you leave the building with disheveled hair, their tunes stuck in your head and that patriotic feeling that’s better than being part of Lankan Politrix.

2. Your fashion picks will never be appreciated!

I mean, don’t ever bother coming in with your fancy high heels, J Lo pants or Britney gear cuz you won’t fit in, simply!

There’s just one common fashion message here, go home if you aint us!


1. You will hear Metal and Lots of it!

You figured this out before right? Knowing the bands, they just might have a few surprises up their sleeves and this might include taking off clothes on stage. Now who wants to see a hot band guy take off his shirt and remain that way on stage! My GOD! What Will Your Parents Think Of you Going For Such A Thing CHILD! YOU will also have to headbang cuz that music CHILD! That MUSIC!

Wait, we’re adding a 6th

1.1 Its 3 years of Rock Fest!

This gig series IS a date on your calendar that needs marking. WHY? Because metal in Sri Lanka is not dead! Proof is what you would have seen during the last few weeks including announcements each and every band on this lineup has made with regards to their music.

There was never an internation scene without a local one, and we’ve got a killer one here Sri Lanka! Come out and support cuz it IS history on the pages of OUR music scene!


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