Tag "Paragon Productions"

Stigmata’s Album Update

And by the looks of it, all is going pretty smooth at Paragon Productions!

Happy Cake Day To May 12th & 13th Names

Awesome cake day to Kusal Bandaranayake (Guitarist.Singer.Magician/ex Cadenced), David Ravin Ratnam (guitarist.vocalist.producer ( Paragon Productions) / R.A.G.E . ex Fuzz Mechanix), Charitha Big G (singer.Night Sky Awe), Mirshad Buckman (vocalist.Paranoid Earthling) , Stephan

On The YES Home Grown Top 15 Tonight

Tonight marks the second YES Home Grown Elektro Special for the year (first one being on the 1st of Jan with Dropwizz) and features some pretty sick tunes from various

Happy Cake Day To Names That Be Chugging Pani Kaju

Pani Kaju ice cream is amazing when its half melted or being served with fruit after being chucked in a microwave for a few seconds, we be guessing the three