Tag "news"

Wildlings Within (2013)

Why you need to discover this short film apart from the fact that its Monday 1. Its a good piece of work 2. The synopsis interests you “Set in a

Happy Cake Day Monique

To you, you awesome singer Monique Wille… have the best year in music from us here at team yazminyousuf.lk

Nevi’im & Tantrum @ Rock Fest

In case you were down with the flu or couldnt attend the gig, here’s bits of what you’ve missed Nevi’im: Ruin (lamb of god)   Tantrum: The Heart Collector (nevermore)

April Schokman On Rise & Shine – Channel Eye

We’ve known that Channel Eye does their fair share of artist interviews early in the morn on a Saturday and we’re glad though, this interview is up on YouTube..check it

Asela Perera – These Years (Lyrics Video)

This is just one of those songs you can except on his upcoming Ep slated to drop sometime this year. According to the singer/song writer “it’s still work in progress

Happy Cake Day To More Awesome June Names

Deluxshion Deyo (Producer/Artist), Tony Jayathilaka (Guitarist), Hasanka Wickramarathna aka BornLord & Asanga Sachith (Producer), Nothing but the very best to ya’ll from us here at team yazminyousuf.lk   photo credits: Yohan Siriwardena

Support Theatre Junction’s First Musical Production!

Crowd funding this project is a pretty big step but we believe in the power of a collective ..and of you feel like it, why not make it happen? click

Ranidu – Tasha Tah X Ranidu- Lak Nu Hila/Drop It Low (Ranidu Remix)

This is such a big remix, its almost like Ranidu is the Bally Sagoo of our time in a way =) Get the free DL already!  

Hope Ft. Kumar Sangakkara (Clifford Issac Edit)

While this may not be the most stellar production we’ve come across, the fact that this 20 something Dj/Remixer decided to do this is pretty cool and in only 2

Iraj & Infaas Ft. Janani – Manamali : 2 Million Hits N Counting

This is history which should be on the newspapers, on tv & radio news and everything else cuz for the very first time in the home music scene a video