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New Music : Pona Pongadi – Krish Manoj | Sagishna Xavier | Sandesh Bandara

Released two weeks ago comes this all new collaba by Krish Manoj, Sagishna Xavier and Sandesh Bandara! The single is produced by Abu Karim Ismail (The Chosen One Production) and

J-Di The Rapper Has New Music Coming Up!

J-Di is known in the Sinhala Rap scene for a few singles including his Badurdeen diss. He recently announced new music that drops tomorrow and this one is produced by

Happy Cake Day To Kamani, Gyles & Minoli

Kamani Koralage (Producer/Stix Figure Studio), Gyles Dharmaratne (The Bakery/TNL Onstage Soloist 2013/Not Another Metal Band) & Minoli De Silva (singer) – have the best year in music: team   photo